Washington State Encourages E-Bike Purchase and Use, But Should It?

For environmental reasons, traffic reasons, and just because they’re healthy, Washington recently became the eighth US state to offer incentives for e-bike purchases. Just as electric vehicles have become more desirable for their benefits to combat climate change, electronic bicycles are seen as a way to reduce emissions by encouraging the public to use these…

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Why Is Speeding So Dangerous and Deadly?

Speeding is one of the leading causes of serious injuries and fatal car accidents in Washington and the United States as a whole. A large percentage of deaths and injuries such as broken bones, head trauma, spinal cord injuries are due to drivers who exceed the speed limit. Speeding includes more than just exceeding a…

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E-Bikes and E-Scooters Are Deceptively Dangerous

Electric bicycles and scooters have gained in popularity as enjoyable and efficient modes of transportation in recent years. These electric-powered vehicles offer convenience, sustainability, and a thrilling riding experience. However, amidst their growing popularity, it is crucial to recognize that e-bikes and e-scooters also come with potential threats and dangers. As riders embrace the freedom…

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Complications from Burn Injuries

Burn injuries can have devastating effects, not only causing immediate harm but also leading to long-term complications and consequences. As a personal injury attorney, I have witnessed the profound physical, emotional, and financial impact that burn injuries can have on individuals and their families. These injuries often require extensive medical treatment, rehabilitation, and ongoing care,…

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How Do Car Accidents Cause Internal Trauma?

As a car accident attorney, I have firsthand experience with the profound consequences of car accidents, including the potential for significant internal organ damage. When two vehicles collide or a vehicle crashes into a fixed object, the tremendous force and impact involved can cause severe trauma to the internal organs of the individuals involved. The…

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What Do I Do If I Get Hurt at a Hotel on Vacation?

It’s no secret that our beautiful town of Vancouver, WA has plenty to offer to both its residents and to those who come to visit from other states and cities. From boating on the Columbia River to restaurants that offer farm-to-table dining experiences, to wineries and art galleries, our growing city is becoming a year-round…

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Your SUV Is a Health Risk – Even If It’s Electric

The transition towards electric-powered vehicles represents a positive step in reducing environmental impact and promoting sustainability. However, it is important to recognize that the size and design of vehicles, such as SUVs and pickup trucks, can still pose significant dangers to the community, irrespective of their power source. While the environmental benefits of electric vehicles…

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The NHTSA’s New “Pass/Fail” Pedestrian Rating Is a Mistake

The safety of vehicles on the road is a critical concern for regulators, manufacturers, and consumers alike. Over the years, various rating systems have been developed to evaluate and communicate the safety performance of cars. These systems aim to provide consumers with information about crashworthiness, occupant protection, and other important safety features. Recently, there has…

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Help for Families When a Child Is Injured at Summer Camp

As summer approaches, many parents are looking for a place to send their children during the summer. Summer camps provide children with a memorable and enriching experience, but accidents can occur, resulting in injuries. When these occur, it is important to understand who is responsible for these injuries. Sometimes, the fault lies with multiple parties,…

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