Orthopedic Injuries After a Car Accident

Car accidents are a common cause of orthopedic injuries, which involve the musculoskeletal system, including bones, joints, muscles, and connective tissues. These injuries can range from minor sprains and strains to severe fractures and dislocations. A serious orthopedic injury can cause you to lose time off work, as well as a fortune in medical bills.…

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Can Car Accidents Cause PTSD?

Yes. It is certainly possible to experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a serious car accident. PTSD is a mental health condition that can develop in some individuals after they have experienced a traumatic event. Traumatic events that can lead to PTSD include things like physical or sexual assault, combat experiences, car accidents, natural disasters,…

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Where Should I Put My Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors?

As we enter the cold weather season here in Washington, it’s a good idea to talk about smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Using these appliances properly can literally be a matter of life or death. Ensure this season that you’re using your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors properly, especially in the case of an accidental…

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What New Caretakers Should Know About Paralysis

Individuals who take on the role of being caretakers are wonderful, caring people. When a caretaker agrees to take care of their family member or loved one who has paralysis, they are signing up for challenging and difficult days ahead. However, most caretakers believe that it is worth it to ensure that their family member…

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When Is a Trucking Company Liable for a Crash?

Truck accidents frequently result in traumatic and devastating injuries and property damage. The reason for this is because big rigs are about 20 times the size of a passenger car or automobile. Therefore, if you suffer injuries from a truck accident, you may be wondering if the trucking company or driver is liable for your…

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Driver Distraction Poses a Real Risk to Motorcycle Operators

Every time a person drives on the roadways, they are likely to see motorcyclists. Therefore, they must learn how to properly share the roads and do their best to keep motorcycle operators safe and harm-free. This means that distracted driving should be avoided at all times during your drive. While anyone can become a victim…

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Blunt Cardiac Injury from a Car Accident

When involved in a car accident, most people expect to suffer broken bones, cuts and lacerations, and even severe scarring and bruising. However, many people do not realize that you can also experience internal injuries, which are typically unable to be seen without the help of a doctor. It is crucial that you seek medical…

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My Child Was Injured at School. What Do I Do?

When you send your child off to school, you trust that they will be returned to you safely and harm-free. However, school injuries are more common than you might think. Children can become injured on the playground, on the bus, during P.E. class, or even during an argument or disagreement with another child. It is…

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Why Drivers Must Be Very Careful Near Work Zones

Construction sites need to use every precaution possible when designing and operating highway work zones. The workers and any cars that come near the work zone are at constant risk of injuries and fatalities. Workers rely on drivers to follow the warning signs and movement directions that are posted at construction sites. Drivers and passengers…

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