Can Whiplash Cause a Traumatic Brain Injury?

Whiplash is a type of injury that occurs when the neck moves back and forth very quickly. Often considered a minor injury that heals within a few months, severe whiplash can lead to traumatic brain injury (TBI). If you are experiencing neck pain after a car accident and dismissing it as something small or minor,…

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Injured While Delivering Food on Your Bike?

In Vancouver, WA, and Portland, OR, many individuals make a living as bike couriers who deliver food orders. Unfortunately, other motorists often do not always respect bicycle riders and couriers, and sometimes become agitated by their presence on the roadways, leading to aggression, road rage, and catastrophic accidents. If you were recently injured while delivering…

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Charged with Reckless Driving? Philbrook Law Can Help

Were you late to work and pulled over for speeding? Or maybe your child in the backseat caused you to take your eyes off the road, and your swerving caught the attention of an officer. Either way, you find yourself saddled with a reckless driving charge, and the possibility of paying a hefty fine or…

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Representation for Domestic Violence Assault in the Fourth Degree

A domestic violence assault charge is a scary thing. It can also be a confusing and misleading charge, as there are several degrees of assault with varying definitions, severities, and penalties. While a fourth-degree assault charge is the least “severe” of them, it still comes with severe enough penalties, as well as a lasting mark…

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DUI Defense in Washington vs. Oregon

Being so close to Oregon, it is not uncommon to drive over the state line for everyday activities. Maybe you’re visiting friends to watch the football game, having dinner with family, or enjoying a night out on the town down in Portland. However, a night of fun can lead to some unfortunate situations, and if…

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The Facts About Internal Fixation for Broken Bones

Breaking a bone might seem like a commonplace occurrence, almost a rite of passage in the grand scheme of life mishaps. We’ve all heard stories or experienced firsthand the clumsy or adventurous escapades that lead to a fracture. However, not all bone breaks are created equal. Some fractures demand a more serious consideration, especially those…

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Washington State Ambulance Rides May Cost Less Soon

Picture this: a medical emergency strikes, and the last thing you need to worry about is how much the ambulance ride to the hospital will cost. It’s a scary moment, and you want to focus on getting the help you need. Here’s the problem – ambulance rides can be extremely expensive, especially if the ambulance…

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Your Social Media Posts Can Affect Your Car Accident Case

Unfortunately, car accidents are common. While this doesn’t change the severity of your injuries or the amount of compensation you should be awarded, the commonplaceness of such an incident may make you think that you can share all the details about it on your social media account. This is especially true if you are looking…

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What It Means to Seek Damages for Medical Expenses

After the screeching tires and the echoes of a car accident settle, the road to recovery often takes an unexpected turn, leading many to consider filing a personal injury lawsuit. In the aftermath of such incidents, seeking damages is a pivotal step, especially when it comes to covering medical expenses. These damages are not just…

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How Long Will My Personal Injury Case Take?

The timeline for a personal injury case isn’t a one-size-fits-all kind of deal. It’s a bit like baking – it depends on the ingredients, or in this case, the factors involved. From the complexity of the case and negotiations, to stubborn insurance companies, to the whims of court schedules, the duration can swing from a…

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