Field Sobriety Tests in Washington State

If a police officer pulls you over for suspected drinking and driving, they may conduct what’s called field sobriety testing (FST). The first thing you should know and share with others is you have an absolute right to refuse field sobriety tests in the State of Washington. If you are pulled over and an officer…

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Why Truck Accident Claims Are Different from Car Accident Claims

We know that an accident with a tractor-trailer can be devastating for the driver and passengers in the smaller vehicle. Because commercial trucks are so much bigger than regular cars and SUVs (both in height and weight), when these vehicles collide, injuries tend to be catastrophic or fatal. As a result, victims and survivors of…

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What Are the Penalties for Shoplifting in Washington?

Shoplifting might sound like a minor crime – slipping something into your pocket and walking away. However, under state law, shoplifting charges are a misdemeanor or even a felony, meaning not only might you have to pay fines and perform community service if convicted, but you may also have to serve jail time. The severity…

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How Does Criminal Forfeiture Work?

The federal government and the State of Washington both have criminal forfeiture laws. The essence of these laws is that if you commit certain crimes, the government may be able to seize some of your property – if there’s reason to believe that property was used in connection with any criminal activity. For example, if…

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Burn Injuries: Questions and Answers

One of the most common injuries that happens in the home is a burn injury. Burn injuries are especially prevalent among children, and they can result in long-term physical damage and scarring. With minor burns, a patient can recover from their injuries with few complications, but in the case of severe burns, a patient may…

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How Much Is My Car Accident Claim Worth?

If you’re in a car accident, your first concerns should be contacting the police to conduct an investigation, and getting immediate medical attention. Once your medical condition stabilizes, it’s natural to think how your bills will be paid and how much your case is worth. The first task in every car accident case is to…

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Can I Get a DUI Riding a Bike?

On a strict reading of Washington’s DUI law, an argument could be made that you can be charged with driving under the influence of alcohol while riding a bicycle. Fortunately, the Washington courts have wrestled with this issue and ruled that, while a bicycle is a type of “vehicle,” the legislators did not intend to…

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Personal Injury Claims for Falls on Ramps

Slips, trips, and falls happen for many reasons in many places. They often occur in nursing homes, at construction sites, and on the properties of commercial and nonprofit businesses. One common cause of falls are ramps that are not in good condition. There’s no excuse for the business or organizations to fail to inspect their…

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Domestic Assault: Is it a Misdemeanor or a Felony?

Domestic violence is taken seriously by society and the law alike. But how it’s classified, and consequently prosecuted, can vary from one state to the next. If you’ve been accused of domestic assault, you need to know the law, and a good domestic violence attorney to mount an effective defense. How Washington State Classifies Domestic Assault Similar…

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Reopening in Vancouver WA: Do You Need an Attorney?

By now, it’s something of a cliche to say that we’re living in unprecedented times. Yet it’s accurate. There are few people who’ve seen a confluence of disease and economic difficulties caused by something like COVID-19. Citizens and businesses alike look forward to reopening. As a Vancouver, Wa attorney, we want to take a moment…

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