Are We Ready for Mercedes-Benz’s Level 3 Autonomy Vehicle?

Car manufacturers and truck manufacturers are continuing to push towards the day when cars and trucks will be fully autonomous – i.e., self-driving. Almost every car and truck on the road today has some computer features that are designed to help drivers if emergencies occur. Some vehicles have software that takes over for a driver…

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What Are the Most Common Car Repairs After a Collision?

The primary focus in any car accident case is on your personal health. If another driver causes you to suffer brain trauma, spinal cord damage, broken bones, muscle damage – or any other injuries – you have the right to damages. Damages include compensation for your pain and suffering, all your medical bills, and your…

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Federal Data Shows Trucking Remains One of America’s Deadliest Jobs

Trucking is the lifeblood of the American economy. That fact was readily apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic when consumers throughout Washington and across the country relied on the trucking industry to deliver all the products consumers needed to survive. While truckers are often paid well for their services, truckers also place their life and their…

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Criminal Justice Reforms by Progressive Prosecutors

Most county, city, and state district attorneys across Washington and the country were former prosecutors. Prosecutors represent the state by trying defendants for the crimes they’ve been charged with violating. It’s the rare exception for a public defender to be elected as a district attorney. Yet, in Philadelphia, former public defender and civil rights attorney…

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Why Side Impact Crashes (T-bones) Are Dangerous

T-bone: it sounds delicious but it’s definitely not. The letter “T” is used as a quick description for describing the often-deadly impact two vehicles make when they collide. The front of one car slams into the side of the other car. In many T-bone car and truck crashes, the occupants of the car whose side…

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