New Technologies to Treat Spinal Cord Injuries

New Technologies to Treat Spinal Cord InjuriesElon Musk’s Neuralink made headlines this year after the company successfully implanted a device into a patient during its early human trials. The first patient, then 29-year-old Nolan Arbaugh, is a quadriplegic. After getting the implant, he could control a computer with his thoughts. Despite some setbacks, the second human trial is now underway.

The new technology suggests a whole new world of treatments for spinal cord injury patients could be just around the corner. But how may these new treatments impact personal injury claims?

Spinal cord injuries, an overview

Spinal cord injuries involve damage to the nerves and fibers that transmit signals between the brain and the body. These serious injuries can lead to temporary or permanent changes to a person’s movement, sensation, strength, and bodily functions below the site of the injury. Injuries that are higher on the spine tend to cause more severe effects. For instance, injury to the cervical spine, which is the upper portion of the spine located in the neck, may lead to quadriplegia. A lower injury may cause paraplegia, leaving the person with the ability to control their upper body. In complete spinal cord injuries, a person will lose all functioning and sensation in the affected part of the body. Those with incomplete injuries may retain some functioning.

How do spinal cord injuries occur?

Spinal cord injuries often occur unexpectedly due to accidents or violent incidents. Potential traumatic causes include:

  • Car accidents
  • Falls
  • Violent attacks, such as stabbings or gunshots
  • Diving into shallow water and striking the bottom
  • Sports-related head or spinal injuries
  • Electrical accidents

Spinal injuries can also occur because of diseases, but the most likely causes are car accidents and falls.

Standard treatments for spinal cord injuries

Immediately after a spinal cord injury, emergency medical care may include braces to stabilize the person’s spine and prevent the condition from worsening. Doctors may also perform surgery to remove herniated discs, bone fragments, or other objects pressing on the spine. There is some evidence that early surgical intervention may improve recovery.

However, patients who suffer these injuries face a long recovery, and in many cases, the injury will change their lives permanently.

The injured person will likely have a rehabilitation team that includes:

  • Physical therapists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Rehabilitation nurses
  • Social workers
  • Psychologists
  • Other specialists

The patient’s medical team will work with the person to regain motor skills, strengthen muscles, and adapt as well as possible so that they can perform daily tasks. Patients may also be using new assistive technology that requires learning new skills. Doctors also prescribe medications to help manage pain, muscle spasticity, and other symptoms.

Newer treatments may include electronic stimulation, which may help some patients stand, walk, or grip objects. Electric wheelchairs, voice-activated computers, and other devices can also help improve a person’s life and help them maintain more independence.

The next generation of spinal cord injury treatments

Truly cutting-edge treatments, like Neuralink, could soon make an even bigger difference for many people with spinal cord injuries by letting them control computers with their minds. Other treatments that can help improve the lives of those with spinal cord injuries include:

  • Spinal cord stimulation: Surgeons implant electrodes in the spine to amplify brain signals, improving movement and motor skills. These systems may help improve things like bladder function in those with spinal cord injuries.
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS): The noninvasive electrical stimulation this treatment uses avoids the need for surgery, making it safer for many patients and less costly. The stimulation impacts the skin, which can improve muscle control and movement.
  • Stem cell therapy: Stem cells can regrow nerve connections, which, if successful, could restore movement after a spinal cord injury.
  • Robotic exoskeletons: This approach is completely different in that it relies on wearable devices that assist with walking or lifting. The exoskeleton uses sensors and AI to provide more mobility. Currently, the high cost of this equipment means it is still only found in labs.

Treatments may likely combine several of these methods to achieve the best outcome for those who experienced these severe types of injuries. These new treatments could offer a new lease on life for people living with spinal cord injuries, which could impact personal injury claims.

The impact on personal injury claims

Personal injury claims allow a person who experienced injuries in an accident caused by another person’s negligence to recover compensation. In these cases, the injured individual requests a certain amount of damages, including economic or actual damages and noneconomic damages. The total number of economic damages will depend on the treatment costs, the person’s lost income, and other injury-related losses.

A few things attorneys will look at when determining the total costs include:

  • Medical bills like surgery costs or hospital stays
  • Rehabilitation expenses, such as physical therapy or occupational therapy
  • The cost of assistive technology
  • Lost income
  • Future medical expenses, rehabilitative care, and assistive technology
  • Future loss of income

The total number will make up the injured person’s economic damages. The past costs are fairly straightforward because bills and other documentation should show real numbers. The future costs of medical care are more challenging to estimate. There are ways to come up with these numbers, but with new potential treatments on the horizon, the costs could change.

For instance, while it’s too soon to say what the actual price will be for the many new treatments currently being tested, there are estimates for Neuralink. The chip, parts, labor, exams, and other costs will likely add up to $10,500, while insurer costs may jump to $50,000. Although trials are underway, most patients’ ability to access a Neuralink is likely a few years out.

As these changes in treatment continue to alter the way that doctors and surgeons treat serious injuries, attorneys and plaintiffs will need to stay up to date on what the real costs of treating an injury are likely to become in the future.

Contact a personal injury attorney in Vancouver, Washington

Spinal cord injuries are some of the most devastating results of accidents like car crashes or slip and falls. Recovering compensation in these cases is one way for a person to protect their future and their family. It’s also worth noting that Washington doesn’t place a cap on damages. If an injured person can prove their economic damages, the court can award that amount, and the same goes for noneconomic damages which compensate for things like pain and suffering and emotional trauma.

If you have questions about your spinal cord injury claim, you need to reach out to an attorney. At Philbrook Law Office, our experienced Vancouver, Washington personal injury attorneys help injury victims understand the value of their cases and how to fight to get the compensation that they need. Contact Philbrook Law Office today for a free consultation.