Portland Bicycle accident

Portland Bicycle Accident Lawyers

Fighting for injured bicycle riders in Portland, Oregon since 2005

Portland is a wonderful place to ride a bicycle. There are numerous paths like the Heart of St. Johns Peninsula Ride and the North Greeley and Greenways Ride. Children ride their bicycles to see friends. Adults ride bicycles for exercise, run errands, and explore. The joy of riding a bicycle can vanish instantly if a car strikes a bicycle. At Philbrook Law Office, we hold drivers accountable when they fail to see bicycle riders or take steps to avoid bicycle riders. Our Portland bicycle accident lawyers file personal injury lawsuits if a rider suffers any injury. We also file wrongful death actions if a family member tragically dies in an Oregon bicycle accident.

How can we help?

How dangerous are bicycle accidents?

According to the American League of Bicyclists, “Oregon ranks second among the bike-friendliest states in the country.” Portland encourages bicycle riding. In 2020 (a pandemic year), 5 bicycle riders died in Portland, and 80 riders suffered injuries.

According to the 2019 Oregon Traffic Crash Summary (OTCS), 219 bicycle accidents were reported in 2019. All but one of these accidents involved a collision with a moving vehicle. In Portland, 94% of all bicycle accidents happened on roadways (including bikeways). In 63% of the bicycle accidents in Portland, the driver of a car was at fault.

The most dangerous roads and intersections for bike accidents in 2019 include:

  • E Burnside St. and 102nd Ave. had 20 injury crashes
  • NW Broadway and Hoyt St. had 10 injury crashes
  • SE Hawthorne Blvd. and 7th Ave. had 6 injury crashes
  • N Broadway St. and Larrabee Ave. had 8 injury crashes


Helping Me
Matt and his office staff were there for me helping me along in this unfortunate situation. They kept in contact...

~ JH

Great Job
Matt never made me feel as though he didn't believe my story. He didn't sugar coat the possible outcomes and...

~ CH

I Would Recommend
I would recommend your services to anyone who has gotten a ticket.

~ JA

Phibrook Law Office has your back
Philbrook Law went above and beyond in helping my families Case. It wasn't just settling successfully that deserved their 5...

~Daniel C.

Thank you, Adin Johnson, for your excellent representation
Aden did a fantastic job representing me in a case where I was ticketed unlawfully. I happy to report he...

~Mr. P

What rules govern riding a bicycle in Portland, Oregon?

Bicycles and E-bikes

Oregon defines a “bicycle” as “A vehicle with no more than three wheels that measure at least 14′ in diameter. It must have a seat and pedals that are operable by human power.”

Electric assist bicycles (called “e-bikes) are “Bicycles that are operated by pedaling, but get an extra boost from an electric motor. Electric assist bicycles are considered bicycles in the Oregon Vehicle Code, but a few different rules apply to electric assist and e-bikes.”

Rules for bicycle riders

According to the city of Portland, Oregon:

  • Bicycle riders should ride in the same direction as the traffic.
  • Bicycles should have a “white light on the front visible from 500 feet and a red light or reflector on the back visible from 600 feet.
  • Bicycle riders must use the bicycle lane if a bike lane is available.
  • Bicycle riders should stay as close to the curb or edge of the roadway as possible unless they’re traveling at the same speed as traffic. Some exceptions may apply.
  • Bicycle riders must be cautious when there are pedestrians nearby.
  • Bicycle riders under 16 years of age must wear a helmet.
  • Bicycle riders should use proper hand signals when they turn

Rules for drivers

Drivers are required to respect the right of bicycle riders to be on the road. Car and truck drivers must treat bicycle riders like other vehicle drivers. They must also:

  • Yield to bicycle riders who are in a bicycle lane
  • Yield to bicycle riders who are riding on a sidewalk
  • Avoid opening their car door “unless and until it is reasonably safe to do so and it can be done without interference with the movement of traffic, or with pedestrians and bicycles on sidewalks or shoulders.”
Philbrook Law in WA

What practical steps can reduce the risk of a bicycle accident in Portland, OR?

Some of the practical steps bicycle riders should take (whether they’re required by law or not) include wearing helmets, understanding which roads are closed to bicycles, using bicycle lanes where possible, making sure their bicycles are properly equipped, taking steps to ensure the rider and bicycle are visible at night, and speaking to children about the dangers involved with riding a bicycle.

How do bicycle accidents happen in Portland, OR?

At Philbrook Law Office, we work with investigators, with the police, and through the formal discovery process to determine how your Portland bicycle accident happened and who is responsible.

Some of the common causes of accidents that our Portland bicycle accident lawyers handle include:

  • Not yielding the right of way to a bicyclist
  • Turning left into or in front of an oncoming bicyclist
  • Driving while distracted by texting, using a smartphone, eating, drinking, or other activities
  • Driving while intoxicated
  • Speeding, driving too closely, driving through a red light or stop sign, or any other traffic violation
  • “Dooring” a bicycle rider

Who is liable for a bicycle accident in Portland, OR?

Our Portland bicycle accident lawyers hold everyone who caused your accident accountable. The responsible parties may include:

  • The driver of a car, truck, or any other motorized vehicle
  • The driver’s employer
  • The owners of the car – if the owners and driver are not the same – such a teenager strikes a bicycle while driving the family car
  • A manufacturer of defective car parts like defective brakes
  • A seller of alcohol to someone who was visibly intoxicated and then causes your accident
  • The Oregon Department of Transportation, the City of Portland, or other agencies/entities for improper road/bicycle lane design or maintenance
  • Another bicycle rider
Philbrook Law in WA

What injuries do Portland bicycle accidents cause?

Bicycles are no match for a car or a truck. When bicycle accidents happen, the riders are likely to suffer catastrophic, permanent, chronic, or serious injuries. Our Portland bicycle accident lawyers work with your doctors and our own network of physicians to verify your injuries and explain all of your trauma.

Our personal injury lawyers handle all types of injuries including:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord damage and paralysis
  • Fractures/broken bones
  • Internal organ damage
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Neck, shoulder, and back injuries
  • Road rash injuries
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Nerve, muscle, and tissue damage
  • Hearing loss
  • Vision loss

We demand compensation for all your medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering, loss of bodily function, and all other financial and personal damages – for as long as you’re hurting.

At Philbrook Law Office, we also represent families when a Portland bicycle accident takes the life of a loved one. We demand wrongful death compensation for the funeral and burial costs; loss of financial support; and the loss of love, companionship, and guidance your loved one would have provided each family member.

Philbrook Law in WA

Do you have a Portland bicycle accident lawyer near me?

Philbrook Law Office meets bicycle accident victims and families at 107 SE Washington St., Suite 520, in Portland, Oregon. If you can’t physically come to our office, we will make alternate arrangements. Our lawyers also conduct consultations by phone and through online conferences.

We understand how upset and frightened you are. We’ll guide you through this difficult time.

Talk to our Portland bicycle accident lawyers today

At Philbrook Law Office, we’ve been fighting for personal injury victims since 2005. Our lawyers are experienced trial lawyers. We’ll thoroughly prepare your case, explain your rights, and fight for all the compensation you deserve. While many cases do settle, we’re always ready to try your case in court. Call our Portland, OR bicycle accident lawyers today or fill out our contact form now to schedule a free consultation. We handle bicycle accident cases on a contingency fee basis. We proudly represent clients in Portland, OR; Vancouver, WA; and Battle Ground, WA.